Night time eater
Hey all just have a question reguarding my baby hog, Is it natural for my hog to refuse to eat in the day(not show interest what so ever), but in the morning its gone. I have red that alot of boas act this way, but I dont want the food to do the feeding, I have seen what happens to the snake, and there is no way i want some mouse to make my snake a meal. (for now what i do is stick a piece of dog kibble in the cage so the mouse will eat that instead of the snake). Any info would be much appreciated.
Cal kingsnake, Ball pythons, BCC's,Colombian redtail boas,Hog island boas, Brazilian rainbow boas,Ksb, Mbk's, Jcp's,Gtp, Borneo blood pythons, Hognose,sinaloan milks,greybanded kings,Bearded dragons, Pitbull&Boxer,Piranhas&Oscars.
Girlfriends just don't understand.