found me a rattler!...
I went up to Tobermory for 10 days and spent some time looking for snakes....I found quite a few garters, a ribbon (i think....he took off like a rocket when I spotted him), a smooth green, a water snake Eastern Massasauga. I shot a few pics of it and will post them once they're devoloped...if they turn out!(still with my crappy!). Anyhow, it was about a foot long and I was surprised to find it in a high traffic area.
I talked to a few Parks people up there and was told that they have a tracker studying the behaviour of a rattler with a monitor implanted and most of the other ones found are in areas away from people. They also told me that they had a decoy placed on the road and found that many people would swerve out of their way to HIT the snake!! That is sooooooo ignorant!! I think they should be pulling those peops over and fining them!!!Large!!
I wonder if re-introducing c.b. into the wild is a possibility?? Seeing they are endangered....