Great news!!! Neo's going to be ok. He had a bad retained sperm plug. I seen the vet pull it out and it was pretty nasty. I'm so happy he's going to be ok. He wants a fecal from him so i have to get that in there to him soon. Plus he's a little skinny so it's time to fatten him up!!!
Thanks everyone.
1.2 Bearded dragons (Login, Raven, & Jean Grey) 1.1.1 Corn snakes(Havoc,Sable, & Kink0 1.5 Leo's (Psyloke (Lucky-male) Speedball, Domino, Rouge, Siren, Elektra) 1.0 Veiled Chams (Neo), 0.1 Rose Hair T. (Night Crawler) 0.0.3 Crested Geckos (Shiva, Storm, Beast) 0.2 Kenyan Sand Boas (Tigra & Cloak)