feeding the blind
Does anyone have suggestions for food to hand feed my partially blind cham. He does eat mealies out of a bowl, but those are the slowest most squiggly insects i can offer him. It takes him a few tries to capture them, as his depth perception is all messed up. They need to move around so that he is interested in them, but can't be vicious and bite him back like superworms. Crickets are way too fast.
He will eat from a syringe.....for about 2 tries, then closes up tight. The vet suggested I feed him baby-food that had meat in it for protein but he has lost weight since our last visit. I've been mixing "chicken caserole" with water for him, but he dosen't really enjoy it. Plus, I am afraid he is not getting all the vitamens he needs.
So, if anyone has any creative suggestions, or new mixtures I can put in the syringe that may be better for him, let me know!