BRB Good 2nd snake?
Hi all,
I'm the proud owner of two young corn snakes, and have been seriously thinking about getting a third snake sometime in the future. I really want to get a boa or python, and I absolutely looove Brazilian Rainbow Boas, so I thought I'd field a few questions to the pros here, as I couldn't find some of this information on any caresheets.
I really like my corns, as I often (maybe once a month) go out of town for the weekend, and since I have them feeding on Monday and pooped and cleaned up before the weekend, I can just leave them alone. Any way I could do this with a BRB? I understand they need quite a bit of humidity, and I don't always have someone around that would be able to spray the enclosure. I'd be using a very large rubbermaid as an enclosure, so that would hold the humidity quite well. If I left real large water dish, and maybe covered the whole floor in moist sphagnum or something else that would hold water, do you think a BRB would be okay to be left alone for the weekend?
Also, I've heard that most are okay to be handled, but only for short periods of time... is this generally true?
Thanks all, I appreciate any input.