All you need for a savannah iam assuming its a juvinile are the following:
A suitable sized tank, that will hold 6-10 inches of earth (this is for a juvi, definatly need more for an adult)
Lots of hide spots
a 5$ lamp from a hardware store.. Wattage varies on size of the enclosure.. You want to achieve an ambient of 85 degrees, a cool end of about 78 and a hot spot of around 125 for a juvi.
Insects : Crickets, mealworms, superworms, roaches, snails everything you can think of.. All of these need to be dusted with the proper calcium.
The UV lights do not rule out the powdered supplements. Just because you have a light does not mean you dont have to supplement. Savs DO need to have their diet supplemented while young, or at the very least their prey should be gutloaded. Once they hit adult size and can take small rats, adult mice etc their diet is rich enough that you no longer need to use supplements, unless of course you plan on breeding and then it may be nessecary.. Hope this helps