Weight difference in Mates
Well, it's coming to that time when the breeders will have to start getting ready for the winter. I have a pair of Cals that will be (hopefully) breeding next spring and had a question in particular about my male.
Is there a problem with pairing up a pair of Calis(or any Lampropeltis for sake of discussion) when there is a rather significant weight/size difference...? Is there an effect on sperm production when a male is under a certain weight...? My female is almost a kilo right now(980g a couple days ago, but she's eaten since) and I have no problem with the weight she's got on this year. My 2.5 year-old male(July '01) is only 350g though, and I am wondering if there may be a problem next year when it comes to putting him in with a female almost 3 times his size. I don't plan on having them together without supervising of course, but am I headed for a situation where she's gonna look at him as food rather than as a partner...? I was hoping to have him near 500g before the winter, but he's not going to get near that this year.
California Kingsnakes.
Honduran Milksnakes.
Black Milksnakes.