We had an adult male albino junglecorn that friends used for breeding this spring (he lives with them now) and we got two babies from that breeding. Both parents were junglecorns (cornsnake X california kingsnake) and the clutch was a mix of normal and albino.
Nor sure I want to raise the hybrid issue here but I think these are dramatic looking animals. I like to have one for educational purposes to show people what they are and I find the different morphs attractive as well as thinking that they differ enough from either parent species to remain distinct, thought there is some potential when they are crossed back to either parent line - they can become much more corn or king like in appearance.
Anyway, took a few shots last night and thought I would share. I picked these two for richness and color intensity - the group was quite diverse. I think the kingsnake influence is most pronounced in the head shape and the intensity of the yellow bands.
mary v.
normal male
albino female