I cant make a choise, for weeks I;ve been thinking about this.
I have the space for a burmese, or a green iguana plus I have got space for an other snake...
I've decided that I wont take on a burmese, simply because I am in a wheelchair and.. its just not realistic although I am totally in love with thoose animals..
Then I started thinkng about a bcc or bci but I dont know if that is such a smart idea, because someone told me boa's are in general stronger then pythons ( btw I have 1 ball and 1 gtp )
Long ago, we used to have a bcc but I was 4 or 5 .. and not in a wheelchair.. so... anyway
has anyone got an idea what snake would fit me. :P
A green iguana, would be kinda perfect.. as I have 24 hours a day to spend time with him/her... plus I am strong in my arms... but I cant decide so thats why I post this question... oh one thing if this is in the wrong...ehm .. place on the forum.. sorrrrrrrryyyy didnt know where 2 put it