I saw it simply because I work at the reptile shope you baught it at Magazoo I asked Martin how much he was leting it go for and he said it was all ready sold then he pointed you out to me I only saw you for a split second I did not know who you were so I did not go a introduce myself.
And if money is no option then why ask if you could build a S#!T @$$ cage and let it free roam at night we want to have these animals then we should porvide them with proper caging that is the least the deserve. I dont blame you for buying it it is a sweet looking monitor but this is not a gecko we are talking about it is one of the bigest lizards out there and you are still asking how big a cage it needs and how big of a water dish it needs.
To me that is all stuf you should have thaught of B4 you got it But that might just be me.
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,