Egg-Bound Cave Rat Update...
Hi Folks,
Some of you might remember a while back I posted regarding my female Caver being "egg-bound" and my subsequent attempts to alleviate the problem by draining the retained ova via a catheter?...
Well,...she passed the original shell, but after she did so, we realized that there was yet ANOTHER retained egg - smaller and hiding right beside the first one, so close that we did not realize that it was there!
Anyway, we repeated the "paracentesis" procedure on this second one and waited to see what would transpire...
...Two weeks ago she passed the remaining egg...unfortunately she also prolapsed an ENTIRE oviduct with the egg...OUCH!!!
A bit of a shock, to say the least.
I applied some alcohol to the area nearest the vent and carefully snipped the 'duct off as close to the vent as possible.
I was worried sick about the possibility of an infection, and of course she went off her feed, just to make sure to drive me crazy, lol!
Anyway, she finally (and aggressively, I might add) started feeding again on the week-end, so I'm feeling a bit better about her chances.
But, here's the big question; Assuming that she survives (and I'm sure that she will) will she breed successfully next season???
I am told by people who would know, that snakes have two oviducts. Did she blow one, or two?
Next year's going to be very interesting indeed.
Thanks for reading!