Celeb snakes?
Apparently, my 2 garter snakes are destined to be stars... besides their general showing off at home - they're now scheduled for an apperance at the in our high school play. The counsleor (she's in charge of it all) came up to me today saying she need someone who kept snakes... because the set required a tank with snakes to be complete. She feels like live ones would be "more realistic." I agreed, but I plan to bring a few of my rubber snakes, and extra container, just in case. The snakes are calm little native garters, so I don't think they'll be bothered to much by it.
Anything I should be prepared for or worried about? The play will be in November, it'll be pretty cold, but my car has a good heater and I don't live that far from the school.
On the other hand, you have differnt fingers.