House Gecko With swollen leg
I just noticed today that my house geckos leg is REALLY swollen (happened today while I was at work, was fine yesterday) I tried to get a pic but the digital does not do closups very well. I had my mom look at it (kudos to her because she freaks when I bring my leo's up stairs) and she thinks it might be broken. The leg in question is the bottem one. I know take it to the vet. But the vets close know nothing. I know because my one leo could not be helped by them. So anyway any ideas at all?? The leg seems limp as well but that might be because it can't use the sticky pads on it because it swollen. I don't know if it's bothering it or not right now. Temps are about 75 day and about 65 night. They do have heat/cool sides (well top heated bottem cool). I don't have UVB for them because the care sheets I have found care sheets said they don't need it.
1.1 crested gecko ( cresty and sticky!)
0.0.1 crested baby
0.0.1 Mali Uro (Spike)