thx for all the reply's.
I've already had test done on her.. and nothing..
as fo that pet shop.. I am not buying anything there anymore..
and I am not troubled about the eating... I know its normal..
just the head shaking and weight loss.. thats what bothering me.. but I have no clue where it comes.. the tests showed nothing, the vet said she is alright... and if you look at simon... there is nothing wrong with him .. till he starts moving.. its just strange, he has lost weight..rapidy in a few days.. he's 4 months now... just about 55 cm and only 150 g and that isnt alot.( atleast I think it isnt ).
I always compare my 2 balls.. I know I shouldnt because every snake is different.... but the difference between them is huge, they are the same age... well a few days between ( no family from eachother.. it was just coincidence )
and well gina.. gina is just a monster.. the way she is going on she'll reach 1 meter before december... well... that is if she goes on growing like she does now... right now... she is 90 cm and 577 gram... ( 4 months old )
again thx for all your reply's...
Diana, simon,gina
and well as for force feeding... that realy is a last resort.. right now I just need to try and find out whats wrong...