I got my chameleon(need help)
i got a chameleon, yesterday at the show, its a nosy panther chameleon, he is very pretty nice blue colour love him, i can see why trace loves chameleons soooooooooo much, WOW there addictting(spelling), i havnt named him yet i soon will. when i was riding home in the car i was like, (i cant believe its in this box). I got him from arboreal exotics as trace suggested, thnaks
I bought him home and i threw in some crikets he didnt eat it so i put them back, and today he only ate one....im not sure if thats a good sign or wut????im guessing he is stressed, cause of his new enviroment. Also when i put him back into his cage, he turns dark dark blue, and when i hold him hes light blue, im not sure if hes mad or not, cause i heard when the colour gets darker the chameleon is angry, when lighter its happy, not sure...but he did drink water tho.
also when i sometimes look at him he is like really really skinny, is he trying to act like a leaf??? he is 2 years old, have not been bred with any females, and he hasnt pooed yet.