As promised, here are more pics from the Red Deer show. Sorry for the delay. Luckily there are no pics of me in here, because I was behind the camera.
I wanted to get SOOOOO many more pictures, but my batteries were almost dead.

Most of the pics are from the Scales Zoo display. Ryan and Sheila just had way too cool herps.
The pics!
Here's us on the way there. This is what happens when you keep saying "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?":
Here's the very active Taiwan Beuty yearling (Someone already posted this thing, but oh well):
Here's the funniest looking creature we found at the show:
I believe it was called a Jeff Favelle.
Here's HetForHuman:
Here's the Albino Blood Python that EVERYONE was drooling over. I think I got the best pic of this one so far.

Ryan and Shiela's ((spilotes, right?)):
Here's their gorgeous Taiwan Beauty:
Here's TheRedDragon and our friend Chris attempting to handle the Taiwan Beauty (VERY active snake, VERY big, and VERY strong!):
Here's TheRedDragon holding an Olive python that we absolutely fell in love with:
And finally, here's TheRedDragon holding Hera, our beautiful BCI from Dragons & balls:
That should be enough for now.
As always, thanks for looking.