Sticky geckos?
I have a question about the stickiness on gecko's feet. I have 4 aboreal geckos that have the sticky toes: Golden gecko, house gecko, flying gecko, and marbled gecko. The golden and marbled are sharing a terrarium and do so just fine. The problem is that they slide down the glass sometimes, and can't seem to get a hold on it for a few weeks. The flying gecko was sticking fine to glass when i first got him, but has been gradually losing his stickyness as well. Most have them have shed fairly recently, and they are all about full grown. Any idea why they arn't sticking? I have newspaper for substrate, i mist the tanks daily, they get plenty to eat and drink, and have proper hides/heat etc. They are happy except when they try to jump on to the glass they slide right back down. Why is this?? what can i do to helpit? Soak them in water for a bit? Clean out the glass? Help plz