Last weekend I was out buying crickets for my leo's, and at the pet store i go to for crickets, i went into the reptile room (crickets are stored there as well) and i saw the flying gecko. He has been there for nearly 2 months and he looks good, been living with goldens and stuff so i decided to buy him. Well, i am VERY pleased, flying geckos are really cool lizards! I was a bit concerned that my handling him while trying to get him into his tank would stress him out, but after a "play" session with him where he kept jumping and gliding across the room, i finally got him to sit in my hand still so i could put him in the tank. I couldn't resist taking pictures. After putting him in his nice 27 gallon aquarium, i decided to see if he was hungry and put in 4 adult crickets, and boy oh boy he pounced them like a bat out of hell. It was hilarious to watch. So he seems to be donig well, and he soaked himself in the water bowl i keep in the tank for humidity and such, and then he climbed up the branch and sat pleasently. Anybody else have flying geckos? Lets see if the pics work:
This is a rather blurry pictures, hopefully the other one was better . . .
This one is nice. Hope you enjoy