Are they all jerks?
Just curious if anyone has a king that isn't a miserable SOB. I have a eastern that I bought as a sub adult and he has always been an unmanagable, biting, snapping jerk. Can't seem to tame him, he bites me at nearly every opportunity and sometimes strikes at me through the glass of his enclosure, bashing his own face repeatedly. He has a particular hatred for me personally it seems but I'm the only one who dares to get near him. I also have a 50/50 Cal king that looks really cool that I have had since he was a hatchling. This guy was docile at first but it seems the bigger he gets the more high strung he becomes. He has become untrustworthy and seems to bite for no reason while being handled. I've been trying to make sure that I handle him more frequently to keep him accostomed to it and am sure to wash my hands to make sure I don't have any provocative scents on me (my other snakes, the cat, prey animals). What I'm wondering is if it is just in their genes to be belligerent.
I feel a little light headed... maybe you should drive...