I have seen these things in action..and imo...allthough a beautifull species,they are by no means a species to be taken lightly!As was mentioned earlier they seem rather lazy and don't really move arround alot,but don't let that fool you,these guys strike super fast..and before you know what hit you..it's to late...they have the largest fangs of all the venomus species i believe?..and have the capability of delivering alot of venom also.
And even if you don't die from the bite,you will definetly suffer nercrosis wich is rather unsightly,and probably extreemely painfull..usually in severe cases the limb has to be amputated.
These guys are worse than a loaded gun Martain,so do your research,perhaps work with someone who has had years of experience with hots..talk to all the people you can..there are a few people here that can probably help quite a bit.but dont rush in whatever you do,and if you do get one..never get to comfortable with it..complacency and venomus snakes do not mix.