Hey folks I've been checking out this site for the last few weeks, and it's amazing so I decided to finally join cause I'm missing out on a lot of great stuff so here I am. Well I've been collecting reptiles since about late 2000 and have been fascinated by them for far longer, but my inspiration and passion for them has only grown and increased daily since 2000. Anyway don't want to go too off on my own soap box...but currently I am keeping 2.1 ball pythons, 1.0 jungle carpet, 0.2 Redtail Boas, 1.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boas, 3 firebelly toads, 1 Bearded Dragon, 1.1 Leopard Gecko, Spectacled Caiman. I currently have tried my hand at breeding this year and was successful with the leopard geckos, I've got two eggs in the incubator as I type this, they were layed on July 5th. I won't be breeding anysnakes until probably 2005 due to they are only just over a year....and the females are at least a year off before I'd care to breed them...I am hoping to do some reptile shows next year as well...and am currently attempting to find another female leopard gecko and a redfooted tortoise....and probably a year from now find a male Boa Constrictor for my two females...those are the plans so far...i've got a website too, so if you care to check it out....it's
Thanks for listening and hopefully I'll talk to alot of you in the future....cya!