i'm going crazy, i SWEAR. a couple months ago i decided i wanted to acquire a reptilian confidante... so i've been busy researching, and have decided that i want a bearded dragon.
yet, everywhere i turn, the information i'm reading seems to contradict itself and the thing i read just before it. one care sheet says i should buy a 65 gallon aquarium for a bearded dragon, another says 20 gallons would be fine. and do i buy an aquarium, or one of those open air meshy dealies? and just HOW many crickets am i supposed to feed it? ******** messed me up, i'm never going onto that website again. it fed me useless lines of crap about how bearded dragons ate mostly veggies... bah. BAH TO *********. and then, another website was telling me the EXACT opposite. i don't know what to do!!!! i'm still interested in owning a bearded dragon. but i'm going crazy. if there's anyone out there that could offer me any tip/hints/sanity whatsoever, PLEASE!!! HELP!!!! To make matters worse i can't seem to find a breeder in my area that has bearded dragons available, or even somewhat available.
help me
my email is
killermeow@hotmail.com... and i would honestly appreciate ANY help any of you could toss my way. i'm a little in the dark.