I want to add cresties to my collection in the future but I have a few questions.
1). can I house babies in small aquariums, kritter keepers, or rubbermaids like I was told I could, Or should I make small screen cages like 1 foot hight by 6 or 8 inches squared. These would be for the babies if I'm successful? I was thinking the screen cages would be better with daily mistings but maybe the glass or plastic would be?
2) will baby cresties eat mealies? I don't get crickets often, usually only when I get baby beardies. My leos are mostly on a mealie diet with occasional crickets.
3)Can I use Hienz brand baby foods for them? And is there any I should stay away from?
4)Basic husbandry I think I have down now. I had one a few months ago but I had it in the herp room and he over heated and passed away.

I knew not to keep him above 80 degrees but I was away and didn't realize it got very hot in the room. Above 100 degrees.

I will now be housing them in the basement with minimul lighting for heat in the winter. My question is.... how low of a temp can I leave them at through the night? I think it can get as low as 60 through the night down there. On average it is about 65-67 degrees but on the really cold nights I'm sure it dropps lower.
5) can I use black or red lights on their cages to bring up the heat during the winter if neccessary or can they see it and get stressed from it?
Sorry for all the question, I want to be ready for them this time! still have lots to learn!