Hi, i am getting a crested gecko soon, could be a week, could be a few weeks..part of its diet will be meal worms. Should i get some now and start breeding them already?
Also, i read a few websites about breeding them and it seems easy. i just have one question that wasnt uniform throughout all the sites.
Some said to have 2 containers for you mealies..keep the mealies in one, then when they turn into beetles put them in the other one and let them breed and lay eggs there. Once the eggs hatch and they grow large enough to handle, put the worms back into the main tank. so whenever they turn to beetles just keep putting them in the breeding tank.
But some sites just have one main tank that they all stay in...the worms and beetles are in the same one.
which one is better? what do you guys use?
also, what do i do with the beetles after they die? just chuck em in the garbage? or do the mealies eat them since they are decomposers?
oh ya. how many will i need initially in order to start a colony of them.
Last edited by RaVeNo888o; 08-09-03 at 07:27 AM..