i have got 2 sick leos on my hands. and neither of them are mine. My Friend went out of town for the summer (L.A. Greece, Switzerland, France, Rome ex. ya i know i wish i could do that)
wile in my care one of his geckos died of a parasites. i did everything i could but she died anyway. now i beleve his other 2 geckos have got the same thing. even though the money that he gave me to care for them was stolen by on of his house keepers i found a way to get them to the vet. they where on Panacure 1 time a day and now they are on para-zap 1cc 2 times a day. they have each been quarantined in diffrent cages. one of the geckos has gotten knocked up again by my male Leo (i have no clue how they haven't been together in a wile but i guess love finds a way
) so she just might be a bit skinny just because she had 2 other eggs not to long ago. i am going to the store tomato to make the Leo smoothie. but if anyone knows any other tips to passably speed up the recovery i would appreciate it. I had one gecko die on me and now there is NO WAY IF FU*KING HELL IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN!!!!!!!!!