Hi all! Well I thought I had better share with y'all a picture of "Dually" the 2-headed Lavender Cal-King. The little bugger hatched last weekend out of an egg that I had "pipped". I didn't think it would make it the day, but its a week later & the little one is due to shed soon. I'm not sure if it will be able to eat or not, but we'll worry about that when the time comes. As long as it keeps acting "normal" which it more or less does except that it doesn't seem to "flick" it's tounges, it will be given a chance. It reacts to what it sees & when touched. It even struck at me once! I think that both heads seem to want to control the bodies movements though & it is not very gracefull.
Anyhow here is "DUALLY" the doubleheader!
<center><img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/DOUBLEHEADER.JPG"width="600">
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