Sorry for yelling, I'm just so excited. Most of you guys should remember my little premie that won't shed herself or eat on her own. She will take mealies for me but wont eat them on her own, along with her slurpy. She is so tiny. I didn't weigh her at birth but I swear she was probably anywhere from 1-1.5 grams and 2 inches long. So tiny!!
Here's pictures of her.
Well anyway, she had another shed last yesterday that I had to help her with. I do not feed her while she sheds, this usually takes up to 24 hours also, I know, that's long but I'm trying to see if she will shed herself and once it starts ripping on it's own if she doesn't do it herself I do it for her. Anyway, the best part.
I don't feed her while she is shedding so that it is less stressful on her. I shed her late last night so I didn't have time to do a slurpy, figured I'd wait till today. I also leave 5 small mealies in a dish in the tank, just incase she ever decides to eat on her own. lol. Anywya, I checked on her this moring and I couldn't believe it!!! She actually ate 3 mealies on her own! They were their last night and I couldn't find them anywhere in the cage and they couldn't have gotten out because it has a good lid on it. I was so happy, that just made my day.
I had to share my joy with everyone!! I hope she continues to eat on her own. Oh, and I weighed her and she is 3 grams. Very tiny for a one month, one week and 2 day old gecko!!! But it is a start, she was 2 grams for the longest time!! I hope she continutes to put weight on and eat for herself. I'm so happy!
Anyway, I guess I'm rambling now. lol. Thanks for listening.