Veiled Cham, need some info.
I have a female veiled cham and she just recently went off of her food. She is in a 2' deep by 3' wide by 5' high enclosure with many vines and a ficus tree (all fake) to climb on. The humidity is always between 50% and 70%. She has a little dripper for water and I give her prey items, crix and jumbo mealies, in a big bowl that they can't get out of every other day. Her basking area gets up over 90F and that is at the very top of her enclosure. She has LOTS of room to roam to temp regulate herself. She has an active UV fluorescent about a third of the way down from the top of her enclosure and her whole enclosure is misted every other day.
She was eating regularily up until the beginning of the week. She seems to be spending A LOT of time wondering around on the floor of her enclosure and on the sides instead of on the vines, etc. I was wondering if this is normal or can anyone give me any ideas on why she would have stopped eating?
Thanks for any help.