Thanks for the smoothie idea. I don't know if I can get any waxworms, butterworms or silkworms, is there something else I can use??In regards to moving her I can't put a tank beside the others because it's custom built and does not have windows on the side. The other geckos would have gotten sick by now it's been about a month or so now. And that only since I noticed something wrong. She could have been sick for a month or 2 before that and just not showing anything is wrong. When I seprated her I gave a week or so to adjust and it did not get any better, the second I put her in with the others she was active agian. I know I should seperate her. But you never saw her she just layed there. Another problem when I went to look for my 5g with the UTH (I know small but I was just going to put it right in the bigger tank) I found it broken, so right now I have nothing to keep her in. I'm going to try and find a critter keeper or something and just put it right in the big tank half over the UTH in there. But it'll have to wait for a day or so, because not only am I short on funds (payday's soon) but the only pet store I have left here sucks for that type of stuff.
1.1 crested gecko ( cresty and sticky!)
0.0.1 crested baby
0.0.1 Mali Uro (Spike)