African Plated Lizard - wc or cb
I saw this cutie in my local PetCo months ago. And I didnt realize until yesterday when my boyfriend said "You're always talking about him, why all the whining, go and buy him already!!", that I have been pining over him ever since I first saw him. I guess I didnt think I needed another pet, but if 6 months go by and I can't get him off my mind, I guess I should just bite the bullet an get him, but I digress...
It turns out that they sold him (even though he's been in that store for ages). They said that they could order another one from their supplier, Calzoo, and they told me it would be captive bred. I did not believe them, so I called CalZoo to ask, and they said that they are "field collected in Tanzania". Doesnt that mean wild caught?? I feel strongly against wild caught, but I don't know if there are breeders for African Plated. Does anyone have one of these, or know how I can get one in a PC manner?