I had a leo born to soon and it's eye are not devoloped. It is a couple weeks old and it seems to be doing worse each day. It is very hyper when touched, but it does not eat on it's own and the eyes look terrible. It also does not look like the mouth is formed properly. The eyes seem like they are not formed and kind of black holes. It also has now started to get a soft lump on its head over one eye, I hate to think it is in pain and I want to put it down but I'm not sure what is the best way? should I do it myself or call in the vet, it is about 3 inches and 4 grams. Can someone help? I don't have any herp vets around here, closest one is over an hour away, but I think I am going to try to call a local vet and see if they can put it down for me tonight after work. Not sure if they will know anything about it or how to euthenize it.