I'm just wondering what everyone is using?
I was using layers of newspaper and then lots of balled up newspaper. No hide boxes just lots of damp newspaper that I would spray every so often. I stopped using it lately after finding mould under it for the third time. I'm assuming I wasn't changing it enough. It seemed to be worse now that the summer is here. With my other snakes I change the paper when they dirty but with these guys I had to change it more often to stay ahead of the mould. Not that I have a problem with that at all I'm just wondering what other peoples experiences are.
I wanted to go to sphagnum moss but I don't want them ingesting any of it when I feed them.
So this is what I using now. It's newspaper and two hides with sphagnum.
My concern with this set up is that it may not be humid enough. For feeding I just lay the rat on the newspaper out side the biggest hide and so far no problem by morning it's gone.
Here's what I want to do. I want to stay with the humid hides and use the ecco earth coconut substrate on the cage floor. I've used it before and I liked it for my corns but I don't know if it would be suitable enough for the BRB's
Thanks for the feedback,