Well, we got a young gonysoma oxycephala from a friend a couple of months ago. It was a weird colored one, I thought it may turn out to be one of those purple ones. It's tail wasn't really red, more black I guess. I didnt' pay as much attention as I should have.
So Katt and Vanan came here, and on Friday, Sheila showed them or snakes. The gony had just shed, and to our suprise, it was jet black, with some faint color on its face.
It looks very much like the very rare melanistic janseni.
We are trying to find scalation numbers for janseni, but there isn't much information on the net - and I haven't found much about them in any of my books.
I'll post some pictures, it is a very nice snake.
And if you are reading this Simon, nananabooboo.