1) I'm not sure why you think that snakes need a lot of time to take care of. A giant Burm doesn't require your constant attention. In fact, it won't want it. Snakes "like" to just sit and be snakes. I can't imagine what chores you're dreaming up to take care of this Burm.
2) My prediction is that you'll get bored of this snake long before its 5th birthday. A giant Burm is fun for all of about 2 weeks. Then its just a big lump that sits there. If its your only pet, you're going to be watching a lot of TV, because this snake certainly won't entertain you.
3) Build a huge cage for a Burm first, then put a blanket rolled up like a snake in there and watch it. That's exactly what it'll be like when you actually own the Burm.
Fun? Not really.