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Old 07-03-03, 08:38 AM   #1
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Panacur Effects?

Hey guys, I just wanted to ask you guys what more I should do to encourage my little baby to eat. I got her on March 22, 2003, and she weighed about 7 grams (at about 3 months of age). Pretty tiny!

Anyways, when I first got her (I think it's a her), she ate willingly, and in fact, 4 hours after settling into her new home she ate 7 mealworms (the small ones), and even took two from my fingers. When Darwin was diagnosed with tapeworms, my vet recommended that I dose the Baby and Girl too.

Well, I dewormed the baby, (I haven't dewormed Girl yet because I'll be breeding her soon... not sure what effects the medicine could have on developing eggs, etc.) and since then she hasn't wanted to eat on her own. The first dose of Panacur she received on June 03,2003 and her last dose of Panacur received was sometime around June 13, 2003. She acts normal, and drinks regularly, but has no interest whatsoever in live foods. If I assist feed her (put them in her mouth) she'll chomp down and swallow as if she caught it herself =)

I've tried warming her cage, soaking her, she has everything should could possibly need, and I spoil her rotten. I can't figure out why she won't eat. I don't want her to be the second casualty from my vet, (who I am no longer using, by the way). Right now she eats a few 1/2 inch crickets every other day, but still weighs about 10 grams. Her tail is thin, but not extreme. Any suggestions? I know a lot of people have problems getting their leos to eat, but I can't help but think this is a result of the Panacur. Thanks in advance!
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