What species are on your WANTED list?
lol, try and keep it to ones you'd actually plan on getting and so a post doesn't last forever, how about the top ten or so?
My wanted list is as follows;
0.1 patternless leopard gecko
0.1 hypo tangerine leo
0.1 tangerine albino banded leo
fire skink
corn snake (unsure of which morph I prefer)
Musk or mud turtle
1.0 sudan plated lizard
1.0 panther chameleon
crested gecko
lol, leos I will probably get this year, and hopefully a fire skink and plated lizard (assuming I can figure out what type of enclosure I need and WHERE it would go), corn snake, chameleon and crested are lizards I'd like to get in the next few years(chameleon I have to wait till I get a bigger place when i mvoe out of TO so I can have a big enough enclosure), and the turtle i will get whenever a CB happens across my path!!