Hissing cockroaches
I just bought 8-10 baby hissing cockroaches. A pet shop I was going to was selling them for a dollar for the whole buch!! They have 1 male and 4 female Hissing cockroaches that resently birthed these. They said that the entire cage was covered with them, so they wanted to get rid of them!! Well, for a dollar I couldn't pass it up!!! I figured that I'd get them to breed for food for my T's and my Gecko. Now for the questions, does anybody know how to sex them while they are still small. I think the biggest one now is about 1/4 inch (sorry I'm not sure what that is in metric). Plus does anyone know some basic care instructions as well?
My zoo includes: 4 red tailboa, 1 ball python, 3 Tarantulas(1 usumbara, 1 mexican redknee, 1 Chilean rose hair), 1 Tokay Gecko, 2 rats, 2 mice, 5 cats, 22 madagasgar hissing cockroaches and 1 Starling. What's going to be next, nobody knows!!!!!!