love vs. Money
I had a bad experience with a vet so please tell me there are good ones out there!
I have a male vailed Chameleon one day he had some discolouration on his back spines(looked like is was gettin ready to shead but just in that spot) Then he shed and when the skin came off his spines in that spot were over half gon. Off to the vet we went $160.00 later we had some cream some skin tests in progress and no diognosess. Well I think it was a fungal or bacterial infection it has cleared up but he has missing spikes on over a inch of his back. The vet never found out what it was
So My question is if u have a have a $80 Chameleon how is it worth spending lots more cash on vets. I would take my veiled again if needed but if a ailment persists how do u justify spending all that cash, I would, but when does the love run out? If his flesh eating desise continued i wouldent have been able to go to the vet again at that time.
Im babling, just wondering what u guys think!
PS he is fine now that happend over a year ago!!