baby ball python sick
I bought a baby ball "Kaa" from a pet store a couple of weeks back. I'm keeping it in a 10g aquarium and i just found that it has lots of mites. I read "Ball Python Manual" and "Whats wrong with my snake" and according to the book gave it a soap (anti bacterial) water bath. It got rid of some ticks only. The pet store refuses to believe that the mites were there in Kaa.
I have ordered "Provent-a-mite" and in the meantime am using "Prozac - insect guard" on the lid of the aquarium as told by pet store.
But now going through the web, i am wondering if there might be some endoparasites in Kaa and moreover and also scared of IBD. What is rattling and stargazing in boids (symptom of IBD)?
This is my first snake and I'm scared that something might happen to it.
Please help me and Kaa!!!