I got a couple of these plants, well it started as a few, now it's tons.
The thing loves the fishtanks and grows well out of the filter, and off the side.
I threw a couple into my snake den and it does well there too.
I asked for one clipping about a year ago at
http://oakvillereefgallery.com/live.html , and the girl 2 or 3 small stems with no roots, and a few leaves, now it is alot of plant, easily relocated.
Any comments on this plant, is it bad for any animals for any reason, what kind of oxygen xchange does it do. smellz etc........?
it gorws out of controle. . .... I did some reading and some government has banned them from being sold.. and there are alot of diff strands. it doesn't seed it just breaks then the broke part roots.
And I'm not being racist here that is what I know it as, I'm sure there are more specific names.. .I think I got a purple heart or something.....