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Old 06-12-03, 10:25 PM   #1
aaron's Avatar
Join Date: Sep-2002
Location: ontario
Posts: 124
whites care?

I've been reading about care and housing but there seems to be alot of differences in husbandry on each site i've visited, Can someone clear things up for me please!? U.V. lighting: These frogs are nocturnal so is uv necessary? I've read yes and no! Humidity: I've read as low as 30% and as high as 80%! Should I just shoot for a happy medium? Water bowls: Some places say large bowls with 4 inches of water so the frog can sprawl out and bathe, while others say a dish that only covers their legs? A pet store nearby me is going out of business in a couple days and they were basically giving it away so I bought it for a couple dollars and brought home to save it from someone that might not give proper care. I think its an adult as its about 4 inches give or take. It's in a 10 gallon for now untill i'm sure it's doing ok then it will be moved to a 30. Also does anyone know why they go from green to brown? Is it stress or something else or maybe just something they do? And lastly what has evryone found to be the best vitamin supplement and do I really need the supplement if I gut load the crix!?

Thanks for any and all help,

aaron p.s. if anyone knows of an acurate caresheet or site that would be great too
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