HELP Monitor to Monster
Hey, as you all know I'm new to the forum I'd like to say hi to everyone to start off. Well I ask my question,
I have a Savannah Monitor it's about 2 feet long, and healthy, I've had him for over three months and for that full three months he had been my good buddy as he was tame as could be I could kiss him on the mouth trust him to walk around the house with me without running away, and he's fall asleep with me on occasion. Yes it's probably crazy but I trusted him fully. Well now as of late he has become a complete prick, but nothing has changed, he still gets his regular feedings and I've acctually gave him an extra mouse a week incase the feeding was begining to be not enough for him, I've also tried giving him differant treats to spice up his tastes, his tempatures are still the same, I was begining to wonder if the environment was not big enough for him anymore but a few people I've talked to said it's still sufficient enough for him. I am going to change the aquarium to a cage i have that is twice the size so that should make him a bit happier, but I'm not even sure how I'm going to switch him w/o getting tagged. I have yet to get bit by him because I'm conciderably quick, but I feel one day I won't be quick enough because as you all know they are extremely fast when they want to. If anyone has any ideas of what may be wrong or what I might want to do to calm him or if there is something I can do to handle him and try to calm him w/o getting bit. Or if his bite would not hurt too much at this size I'd like to know as well because if it's not too painful I would take the risk of being bit but I've been told it's quite painful even at his size, but I'd like to get him tame again before he reaches 3-4 or even 5 feet because then I am sure I will have a scar like Steve's little satan gave to him, and that's not quite what I want. I'd appreciate any bit of help, thanks alot.