Well, here is an update on the tadpoles I wrote about a few weeks ago. I think they are spring peepers. What do you think?
The first froglet didn't make it. The tail went in about half way and then we found it dead. The second has been a froglet for about 3 days now. And the 3rd finally popped his legs through the week.
Here are a couple pics.
Oh, incase you are wondering what the frog is sitting on it is bloodworms. The tads love them!
I will be changing their enclosure today, they are in a 5 gallon, someone told me I should have them in a smaller tank till they get a bit bigger. The froglet is about the size of my pinkie nail and is eating pinheads. I also want to put them on a spagnum moss substrate with a small pool on one end, would this be better than the aquarium stones? Thanks for any advice or comments in advance. My daughter is so excited, she is one of the first in the class to get a froglet. I guess it's a bit warmer in our house. lol.