Sarge, our big dog picture
I know this is a bit off topic, but I also know there are some dog fans out there as well.
I met Sheila when I adopted Sarge from her, 1999. At the time, he was still a pup and only 170 lbs.
Last time we weighed Sarge, he was 220 lbs, but I expect he may weigh more than that now.
We took him out to the river today to take some pictures, and I snapped one of him beside our very dirty truck.
I just made a few measuremtns. The tires are 33'', the chrome on the fender is a tad over 40'', and the line his nose is at is 51''.
Sarge is a German bred dog, and much thicker than the average Canadian or American Great Dane.
We have to scan some other pictures we have of Sarge. One shows him standing in our bathroom, his head is as big as the toilet (regulation sized toilet). The other picture shows him holding a fully inflated basket baball in his mouth. His excessive mouth skin hangs over much of the ball, only about 1/2 of it is visable.
Does anyone know if there is a record size for dogs in Canada. I think we might have a challenger.
Ryan and Sheila