all rubbermaids????
I would like to keep all my snakes in rubbermaids for now on. the only thing im worried about are my BCI's and my hognose. Here are the reasons. My hognose like all of them loves to burrow and i would not want him to get to close to the heat pad and get burend. Also i am concerned about the humidity levels with him in a rubbermaid. With my BCI's im not to concerned about humidity but about the proper size to keep them in. Betty is about 7 feed long and dexter is just a baby. I dont know if it is posible for them to live a good live in a rubbermaid and i want them to have the proper enclosers. If anyone can help me out with this it would be a HUGE help. The reasons i want to use them is to cut down on my electricity bill and save space. But the snakes always come first if this is not going to work out i will keep them in the enclosuers they have. Thanks and i hope to hear from some of you!!!
Lucas out
1.1 BCI, 1.0 honduran milk snake tange phase, 1.0 western hognose snake, 1.0 corn snake