It is best to keep box turtles outside. It is more natural for them. It may be slightly more trouble for some people to maintain an outside cage, but if you want your turtle to be happy, I think its best. I have kept box turtles for about 5 years.
I recomend having alot of small plants in it. You could plant them yourself or just build it overtop of some plants. A nice thing to add is a little peice of roof shingle or a small cut of plywood, worms will be under it so your turles will get a little extra food. I recomend keeping part of it covered so that they can stay out of the rain if they like.
Make a large water hole, I use a 5 gallon bucket that I cut the top off of. Its about 6" tall so I made a little cement ramp up to the top for EZ access and an EZ way out for them. I cut a small hole in the bottom and ran a pipe through the ground so I could drain it and clean it without digging it out of the ground.
If anyone has anything else they would like to know about box turtles, you can just PM me or email me.
Thanks, Chris
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