I just need reassurance
I know I know, ball pythons are notorious for not eating for several months, especially the winter months. We moved from Florida to Connecticut in January. Every weekend my BP would eat. Although she ate several meals in CT in the dead of winter, she stopped and her last meal was Feb. 8. She is drinking, she FINALLY had a great shed where her retained eye caps came off (those babies had been stuck on there for almost 6 months! Mineral oil really does the trick!) and she is either still growing and therefore looks thinner because there is no food lump in her belly, or she is losing just a tad bit of weight (shedding those winter pounds for swimsuit season I guess). Either way, we thought she would eat after the shed being that she should see again, but no go. I’m just looking for reassurance that all is well. If anything, it’s frustrating spending money on rats that we end up tossing out the back door. At what point am I allowed to get worried. This is the first time she’s done it. Ooo- and once you thaw a rat and she doesn’t eat it, you really shouldn’t refreeze it, huh. I believe I already know that answer.
Ok- this is where you tell me it’ll be alright (and mean it).
I just found homes for my 4 snake ladies: ball python, colombian boa, hogg isle boa, and a burmese. *sniff* How I miss them so...
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