Hey there guys, ( n gals)
i've been usin this site for like months now, its good to see so many herpers in one place, and i guess its time to make my first contact with y' all...
I've been byeng all sorts of differnt leopard geckos and i plan to breed them once there adults, i have bananas, 3 types or albinos, some blizards, and some paternless, and i plan to get some more over time...
But aside from that... as im sure most of you have seen (canadians anyway) the latest "Telus Mobility" comercials have these adoriable little frilled necked reptiles running around with these cute looks on there faces...
i don't know if i'm going to be able to paste a picture on hear, but i'll try... if not maby one of you seen the same comercials, and since my herp adiction is just new and still forming, i had hoped one of you more experianced nuts might know what there called so i can run right out and order me up one, (or 2)
Thanks a lot- Looking 4-ward to talkin to you all