Well I just got back from the petstore after purchasing a beautiful Red Tiger Oscar. I will have pictures later. Right now hes a baby and he is being housed in a 10 gallon tank. But I just called and I'm awaiting the call back for a 55 gallon that was in the pennysaver for only 25!!! It also states no cracks, but we'll see.
On another note I have bad news, unfortunately, my Plecostomas passed last night. I called the store and they said to bring it, and a water sample in and they will test it. So I brought it in and it tested with a little bit of ammonia, BUT. I had'nt been told not to have the fish in the water, and I had to stop at the doctors before hand for my ear(I have an ear infection
). Well their was such a slight amount of ammonia that she said its possible that the fish in the water could have caused the reading(it was in for 2 hours).
Well I just got done cleaning out 25% of the water as suggested and my prized beauty has been sitting the the bag in the tank for 5 minutes, so ill give him another good half hour or so before opening up the bag. I will take some shots of him, his red looks like its powered by electricity its so bright!