Hi everyone... I received a call from a lady replying to an ad I placed in a local paper about some cresteds that I may sell. She told me that she looked around after reading my ad that she found people selling crested geckos for $15 a piece! WHAT?!! Is that possible? Seriously. I tried to get out of her WHERE exactly she found this information, and she tried to tell me that I've been scammed with the prices I've paid. She just vaguely told me that I just need to look around, that these people don't advertise... and she went on, made no sense, and never told me where or with whom I could buy these "$15 cresteds". Hmm... maybe she was trying to scam me, but she passed on my $65 gecko because she could just order them from "not too far away" for $15 each. That's fine with me. I dont know for a fact, but I was almost positive that the cheapest I've ever seen a crested be offered for sale for was $40, and that was for a brown/grey male or very plain and boring colored babies. What do you guys think?